They were weak because of their lack of unity and ended up with the least valuable land around. NO ONE want that dry, nasty, mosquito infested pit hole and the Bedu got it because it was all that was left.
Whodda thunk that under all that nasty bug infested pest hole sand trap there was all the petroleum and natural gas that the FIRST world would someday want/need? The GULF area is HUMID, nasty and mosquito infested with dreadful bugs that JUMP out of the sand (or my closet) and BITE! One bugger jumped 10 feet from out of the closet.
The Bedu HAD to be nasty people just to survive in that God-forsaken pit hole.
Whodda EVER thunk that those pitiful Bedu would end up as the WEALTHIEST humans on the planet in ALL of human history?
God REALLY works in mysterious ways.
Rest assured that despite whatever he said, he meant muslim blood shed by Israel in its defense of herself.