Who needs to invade. Just bomb the $hit out of them!
Take out the Southern strip of land where the tunnels are instead, which will prevent resupply of materials such as missiles. Dig it to the level of the Mediterranean the moat that would be created will threaten future tunnels with seawater influx.
i.e. if the Israeli’s go into Gaza the same thing will happen to them as what happened to the US when we went into Iraq and Afghanistan.
Tactics used in the conquest of Fallujah would be most effective in Gaza. For example, tanks are preceded by armored bulldozers which create new roads, through buildings and other obstacles, denying Hamas the opportunity to place IED’s. Israeli commandos are experts in house to house fighting, and have developed unique and creative ways to enter buildings. They can use chainsaws to traverse through one building into the next in built up areas, by simply creating doors where none exist. Once an area has been cleared, completely level it with bulldozers to create killing zones which Israeli outposts and air power will have no problem keeping vermin free. If they wish to hole up in bunkers and tunnels, bury them alive with bulldozers. If resistance is encountered from a particular building, call in overwhelming air power to clear the building. Then bulldoze it.
Superior firepower always wins the day, if used creatively.
Israel is the largest producer of drones in the world. Even some of our designs come from them. I suspect they have a continuous drone presence over potential launch sites. Israel also designed the automated fire system that protected US bases in Iraq from mortars. A radar system tracked back to the launch point and aromatically targeted retaliation. (The other side went to delayed launching and probably remote launching.) But drones would spot them laying the launchers and allow instant retaliation.
Israel is much more effective now than in the past. I think this will be an entirely new type of war; Obama’s drone war but on steroids. I also suspect any hit on Iran will be almost entirely done by drones. This war will be as different from the present as World War II was from World War I.
Give them all one-way airfare to Saudi Arabia.
As much as I’d like to see Israel take out Hamas going into Gaza would be like the U.S. going into Fallujah. I hope you remember what our men and women looked like after that. Very costly. It would be a long protracted operation that favors their enemies. The civilian population would not “feel liberated” and could never be trusted. I hope they think long and hard about it. Israel has a conscience and tries not to kill indiscriminately. World opinion would mount to crushing proportions as it has in the past with all the lies and hatred. Our own press would love it as it would help them to draw attention away from Obi’s messes. I’m not saying don’t go there just be sure she has counted the cost as it looks like it would be huge. The rebuilding of the Caliphate is a bad sign. Israel is surrounded by her enemies and the Time of Jacob’s Troubles seems about to begin in earnest. Prayers for that nation and that the vale may be lifted from their eyes concerning their Messiah. The suffering that lies ahead for the Jews and their land can’t even be imagined. They are blessed with a great leader in Bibbi. How I wish he were our president!
The analysis of the utility of tanks in urban warfare seems a bit dated. In Iraq, one of the reasons the U.S. took very few casualties in urban warfare was the discovery that tanks are quite effective in dealing with snipers: take fire from a building, bring up a tank and level the building with a shell from its main gun, sniper problem sovled.