Actually, the EPA has always had the power to take everything you have if you have violated the rules/regulations.
I recall that being one of the lessons they touched on when I received my EHS Degree. That the EPA can come after the company, which is what they usually do for the deep pockets, but they can come after the individual as well.
And if you want to really get freaked out about the agency’s ability to do this...consider if someone contaminated some land, sold it to you, you sold it to someone else and decades later they ‘discover’ the contamination. You and everyone in the chain-of-custody can be held liable.
All without ever having to set foot in a true court of law.
Have a great day now!
So, no right to due process, no day in court? Who died and made them King?
It’s time to shrink government to a tiny fragment of what it is today.