Good evening, ML...((HUGS))...did you have lessons today? More rain?
Beautiful sunny day, but rain clouds rolling in...possible showers later this evening.
Lots of rain today, but as I was driving around doing lessons today, I noticed that ALL the flowers on all the trees have blossomed at the same time. Jacaranda, hibiscus, gardenia, magnolia, everywhere. It must be because of the rain, but it is breathtaking.
Then I got into a deep conversation with a 13 year old Nigerian Christian student of mine. I saw the cross around her neck, and i point blank asked her if she had experienced troubles in Nigeria due to her faith. She shared with me SO much, about Boko Haram and the situation there. Even though she lives in the city , where there are less harassment, she still have to receive her first Communion secretly (just a few months ago) in the priest’s house...not in church. Nevertheless, she braved persecution, and not only decided to receive Communion, but she wore a gown and a veil for the occasion.
She’s doing wonderfully on guitar, and might end up being the next big star on the horizon.
The third cool thing that happened today was a little girl who asked me to arrange “Amazing Grace” for her to sing in next year’s recital. Since her family are Religious Jews, I asked their permission before embarking on the song. “Of Course,” they said, “We believe in the grace of G-d too!”
So I sang the song to the little girl, to teach it to her, and she said “I get shivers up and down my spine when you sing that.”
Quite a day it has been.