We get daily pressure to do more with less, and to see your patient in seven minutes or less, get your patient out of the emergency department. Theyre always telling you to move, move move and see more patients in the same amount of time, he told CNSNews.com.
This country is pretty much over. We have been ruined. I can hardly stand to hear about this stuff anymore. We have waited too long. Six years is all it took. I really don’t believe anyone can stop this miserable dive.
Less care, at a lower quality and a higher cost. Gotta hand it to Obama, he really fixed that Healthcare problem.
“Expanded coverage”? B.S. The only coverage that’s expanding under Obama is the NSA, IRS, & HHS violations of our Constitutional rights.
This is terrible. Where are the illegal aliens going to get primary care if everyone else starts mis-using the ER?
Death panels as Sarah predicted. Maybe Krauthammer needs to leave the room.
Everybody overlooks the benefits of the Death Panels.
Every year sliced off the lifespan is HUGE for SocSec and Medicare financials.
This is EXACTLY what we conservatives predicted would happen four years ago.
Just because you sign up and pay for Obamacare doesn’t mean you actually have coverage.
Obamacare puts more people on Medicaid. 40% of doctors don’t accept Medicaid patients. As a result, it is far easier to go to the ER for routine needs rather than trying to find a doctor. Add to that the illegal aliens who use the ERs as free health clinics and you have a real problem.
Betsy McCaughey was on Fox & Friends this morning, talking about 1,200 new pages of regulations for health care. Huge new reporting requirements for doctors treating medicare payments, including requirements that they discuss issues like obesity, even if it isn’t the reason for the doctor visit. And if the doctor doesn’t fulfill the new requirements, he can be fined.
How many doctors are going to start dumping their medicare patients now?
Maybe that will finally start waking people up. Nothing else has worked.
Tried going into the local “Walk -In” Clinic a few days ago to get a Tetanus shot. The 20 something behind the counter didn’t even know what a Tetanus shot was and said I had to make an appointment. In order to make an appointment she needed to know my “Soch”, for billing purposes, I had planned on paying cash but NO, they only bill. Got so mad I just left. The BS paperwork and attitude created by the Gov’s involvement is why our healthcare system is failing.
And if you can’t get an appointment to see a primary care physician, you can’t get a referral to a specialist.
If you go see a specialist w/o a referral from your PCP, your insurance doesn’t cover it.
So, it’s basically the same as before if you didn’t have insurance at all.
I believe that’s a a grossly inaccurate headline. It should be:
“Because of Obamacare’s Expanded Coverage, More Patients Going to the ER”
I predict by the next decade computers will diagnose more patients than real doctors and do a better job. If not, only the political class and elites will get any quality care.
Wonder what the temper tantrum will be then.
And on top of that rationing, how much you want to bet that a person’s politics will be a major deciding factor on whether they get the needed card or points or whatever they’ll have to show?