Yup, the further you are from islam... the better are your prospects of living.
Poland squeezed in among the Asians ?
What happened to Poland?
I guess Israel didn’t make the cut.
What’s going on with it is that the ordinate axes are solely subjective criteria. In the subjective context, they are subject to the interpretation of the chart’s creator.
The first thing I noticed is that they misspelled “Marocco” and “Danmark.” Not an inducement to credibility ...
My interpretation: Sweden is the gayest country.
b) Ethiopia is not Islamic c) It's interesting to me that the US, Poland and Ireland are on similar points of the "Secular Rational" scale.
d) It's also interesting that all the Anglophone countries rate lower on the "Secular-Rational" scale but highest on freedom of expression. Perhaps it should be re-named the "Pseudo-Secular Rational" scale, because the Nordic countries enforce PC bull--- with a religious fervor.
In my days of college engineering, a graph/envelope that looks like some of the constituent groups contained in this graph would be most closely described as “discontinuous”, “doubly discontinuous” and “triply discontinuous. In an engineering science based vein, this smacks of manipulation and interpretation of data that do no follow normal rules of physics.
They always say, "If Texas was a country it would have a higher GDP than...." I would like to see a study that said, If Philadelphia was a country it would have a culture similar to....." or "If southern (Appalachian) Ohio was a country it would have a culture similar to....."