To: SeekAndFind
The fact that Nelson, who handled the criminal case, did not recuse herself from handling the civil gross judicial misconduct
This ruling will be easily overturned on appeal...Nelson gets overturned on appeal more than I eat breakfast
I wonder why his lawyers did not take case to Federal Court...since NBC owned affiliate was involved
18 posted on
06/30/2014 9:15:28 AM PDT by
(Hollywood...Washington DC for pretty people)
To: DisorderOnBorder; SeekAndFind
The fact that Nelson, who handled the criminal case, did not recuse herself from handling the civil gross judicial misconduct. Yes. The judge should be removed from office and disbarred.
55 posted on
06/30/2014 10:41:28 AM PDT by
To: DisorderOnBorder
Many Judges today just do not have morals or ethics, and only care about their own legacy and their political agenda.
76 posted on
06/30/2014 4:01:54 PM PDT by
(Marriage =1 man + 1 woman,when they say marriage equality then they should support polygamy) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson