Worst idea to come along in a day or two from this bunch.
Trees and timber are a natural resource that replenishes itself when properly managed. The “scientists” are out of their minds with this request and, I have no doubt odumbo will support their request since he too has lost what mind he had.
contending that we need to leave dead trees laying around......as fuel for firestorms...is really ludicrous..
the area these “scientists” are recommending for “protection” wont be the last.
Clear Cutting = BAD!
Farming the Forest = GOOD!!!
Hell younger trees actually ABSORB MORE CO2 from the damned air than old growth....
Because they GROW at a faster RATE!!!!!
Farm the damned forest in rows and sections based off toloplogical maps and planned wood harvesting and planned controled fires to simulate the narutal forest fire patterns....
I like to sequester carbon in houses....