I’m confused - this doesn’t seem to be consistent with 0bama’s “lead from behind” strategy? Or is it?
I think the Founding Fathers wanted an American to be president. They would roll over in their graves knowing we have a queer muslim in the White House.
Well, you know, if you think about it: <<redacted>>
(comment redacted as it would be inappropriate for a family friendly forum)
This is the only thing our government seems to care about now. They can’t stand up for the rights of Christians (even in two-bit countries like the Sudan), of course, even though the majority of our country is at least marginally Christian.
Only a very tiny percentage of the US falls into any of these “LGBT” categories. My question is how this tiny group has gotten to be so powerful, and what Obama thinks he’s going to get out of this.
I suppose a big part of it is just to crush the practicing Christians and Jews in this country, that is, to crush the private moral sphere and make everyone adopt the morality of the state. This “LGBT” stuff enables him to really intrude on the personal, religious and private spheres by legally forcing people to participate in or at least give verbal approval to things that they think are wrong.