The included photo portrays EXACTLY what MMalkin is describing:
The VA "representative" on the right-hand side has a laptop that reveals ^everything VA^ to him but absolutely NOTHING to the Vet who is looking for healthcare. As he (the VET on left-hand side) may explain his personal situation, the VA-rep can access his file and give him any type of interpretation/information required to (ostensibly) save the VA money/time/resources, etc.
Seriously! The VA guy on the right could be looking at a porn site while "helping" the VET on the left.
What? You expect government employees to work? Are you crazy? When I briefly worked for the government. I found most of them to be lazy, shiftless, lying, back stabbers, and that's the ones that actually show up. Then you have the ones who are either on leave of disability because they stubbed their toe on a desk. I just want to Thank the 60's radicals and Lyndon Johnson for all of this. I feel like I need prozac just to get through the day without climbing a water tower somewhere. All you low info types, keep sending your little creeps to Government school, they will take real good care of you when you get old. Trust us! ;)
Oh and let us not forget all the blacks the VA employees that can't spell cat if you spot them the c and the a. But boy are they snotty if you need to ask them to clean up. (WHICH IS THEIR DAMN JOB). 16.00 plus an hour btw.