To: A CA Guy
Gingrich did his part in the 90s. He’s the only one post Reagan.
5 posted on
06/13/2014 6:06:46 PM PDT by
To: ilgipper
I think you are right, but after a while even he took his pictures with Hillary.
9 posted on
06/13/2014 6:09:13 PM PDT by
A CA Guy
( God Bless America, God Bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
To: ilgipper
Governor Palin came out of 2008 as a lone fighter, her fighting and surviving helped embolden others to follow and to emerge, and a few republican conservatives to get bolder, she helped get us to where we are now.
13 posted on
06/13/2014 6:14:45 PM PDT by
((Ted Cruz and Mike Lee-both of whom sit on the Senate Judiciary Comm as Ginsberg's importance fades) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson