Posted on 06/13/2014 5:58:37 AM PDT by wagglebee
This coming from a MASS MURDERER.
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I’m sure Hitler as well had some sort of “moral justification” he believed for killing 7 million Jews.
Woe to those who place bitter for sweet, darkness for light, deception for truth, evil for good.
Mass murderer is actually factual, and all who are complicit will be held to account.
Isn’t there some biblical reference to end times that “evil will be regarded as good, good as evil, ...?”
Section 7. All human life is precious and a gift from God. Age is counted from the moment life begins, which is at the moment of conception and as such, all human life is protected from conception to death and has the full rights of this Constitution from conception. Any citizen of the Republic of Maine may use what ever force he or she deems necessary to protect human life. All abortions are considered first degree premeditated murder, children are entrusted, by God the Creator to that child's parents and as such are the responsibility of the parents, not the state, no level of Government whether local, county or Republic is to, in any way, over rule a parent in the rearing, educating, and/or influencing that child in any way.
Section 7a. Education. All education is left to the local community, to the parents first and foremost and then to the city, town or community in which the family resides. The counties and the Republic are explicitly denied any role in a child's education with the exception of Militia members while on duty and prisoners while in the care of the county jail or prison of the Republic. The first and foremost responsibility to teach a child Religion, obedience, patriotism, loyalty, righteousness, and to be a productive member of society rest squarely upon the shoulders of the parent(s), the local communities role is to support and reinforce that parental responsibility.
All can be seen at
Isaiah chapter five
I wonder whether this is how Mengele justified his work
Ya got the “call”.
OK, but......
.....from whom, exactly??
Except that there are very, very, very few abortions that are needed. Almost all are elective, voluntary procedures to kill the baby. So, much for this angel.
George Tillers successor: If I quit performing abortions, the terrorists win
So babies are now terrorists? Because that is who wins if you stop murdering them........
When I was in medical school I got the message that there is a shortage of abortion providers and that, therefore, if more of us, including myself, did not become providers, that there would be women who [would] not be able to access abortion when they needed it. So, when I got the call to help open this clinic, I felt a very strong pull of moral obligation.
I went to medical school to help people, same as all of us do. So, I felt like...I could not in good conscience say no.
If I allow myself to be deterred during this work, then I am allowing a victory for terrorism.
She is the terrorist. Another self deluded criminal butcher.
A modern day Mengele, who justifies their butchery with grandeurs oof seld delusion.
She, like her mentor, Tiller, before her, will have her reward.
Hey Cheryl!!
Allowing babies to live to be born = terrorism. < /sickness >
If she thinks it is such a compelling moral obligation, would she donate her pay to a charity, like for example, a home for pregnant teens who choose to give birth or to adoption outreach services, or maybe to the local crisis pregnancy center?
I guess it all depends on what the meaning of the word “people” is.
Then, he and Tiller will one day get to meet each other. I wonder if Tiller had a chance today to reconsider his murdering of the innocent, would he change his stance. Probably not, but now the shoe is on the other foot and he is tormented while those he murdered are comforted.
Terrorists? She calls who the terrorists?
She talks about all she has lost.
Good grief, she’s going to lose eternal life in heaven too. But I wonder if she even thinks about that.
Yes there is, and this guy is most definitely evil.
His logic baffles me. Then again, Satan’s minions are easy to spot and usually make no sense to the clear headed.
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