the president emphasized that the lessons of Sept. 11 are still with us and terrorism remains the No. 1 threat
And there folks is the problem.
The threat to us and civilization is islam. PERIOD.
Our Government and many other Government are too scared, to wussified, to liberal to call a spade a spade. They lessen it by using terms like terrorist or extremists. We can never make friends or allies in the Middle East. They hate us, hate our world, want us all dead and our world gone.
It is a consequence of many things.
Homosexual agenda
Feminist agenda
Service and modern tech jobs
Diversity and the influene of non Christian cultures.
The decay of the family: female teachers, no male roll models at home.
But also depletion as with the Germans: 2 world wars, pre and post war exedus, holocaust, post war pacification programs.
Unprecedented prosperity, security and freedom: taken for granted and also made people fat and dumb.
Men have become more effeminate in the West. Maybe 5% of the male population deserves their nuts. They rest are unics.