I might have broken into my neighbor’s home and stole his food, rifled his bank accounts, stolen his name and Social Security number and illegally obtained credit cards, goods, etc. using such.
I only wanted to do it because if was an act of love. I have about a dozen relatives over in Alabama I want to bring here and share in my good fortune. What’s wrong with that?
Shouldn’t I be given some sort of path, some rehabilitation, some ‘equal’ footing and a chance to vote? Shouldn’t I? I DEMAND A PATH TO LEGAL STATUS and an affirmation of what I have been doing! I DEMAND IT!
Hmmmm. If the lyin’ king is so “okee dokey” with this, may I suggest a currently vacant abode in chitcago that could house a couple hundred of these poor deprived chirruns. I’m sure rhamee baby would love adding some more future dimokkkrat voters to the rolls.