The two percent (I’m being generous) may soon find themselves in open bloody warfare with the other ninety eight percent, if that’s how they really want it.
So I guess that problem would be resolved in a weekend?
‘Cause being outnumbered 49-to-one is not a good place to be.
> The two percent (Im being generous) may soon find
> themselves in open bloody warfare with the other ninety
> eight percent
Unfortunately, the 2% have support from more than 50% of the rest of the population. We are in the minority here.
The tenacles of Satan are covering our country.
The Churches have failed and issue absolutely no sign of correcting. We have been turned over to ourselves.
What comes next will take many children. God help us get our kids out of the public schools while we work for “stuff”.
I think we are not broke enough yet. The more impoverished will try a different track to care for their children, with spirit and truth forming them.
Or will it be more of the Night of the Long Knives? Will their overlords decide that they have been used well enough and now must go? In this case, it will be Islamists getting rid of them not Nazis. On the other hand, what is the difference?
If that’s what they want “let there be blood”. Christ is my commander.