Man oh man, Hillary was furious....not b/c her hubby got a lube job, but b/c a bimbo under her husband's desk meant HER political ambitions were in deep doo-doo.
So Hilly went on TV---all decked out in virginal pearls---
and blamed Billy's B/J on the "VRWC."
For sure CBS will give Hill ample airtime so that she emerges pure and virginal for 2016. CBS will suckup and give her 2-3 segments to explain away whatever damaging info comes out of the Benghazi committee.....
Mmmmmm...the word "Republicans" is already forming on those ambitious lips.
Who can forget Obama and Hillary's love fest on CBS' 60 Minutes?
Obomba hustled Hillary on 60 Minutes to gaze in adoration,
after Hill's arrogant dismissal of the Benghazi massacre before
Congress. I thought sure Obama was gonna give 'er a B/J on
broadcast tv....he was THAT grateful.
Yoo hoo, Hillary--time for you, Bill, and Chelsea to join hands and sing "Kumbaya."
LAUGH BREAK Hillary's been advised her mega-wealth is a problem when she campaigns on "equality crap," .......running as a phony populist. Campaign strategists warned Hillary her "tone" is important.....(so she can better dupe the voters).
A news clip of her on Megyn has Hilly mentioning "the cancer of inequality" in a sap-happy, chirpy voice, wearing a h-u-g-e phony grin.
Reminded me of the classic Willam Castle horror movie, "Mr Sardonicus," (whose face becomes frozen in a horrifying grin while robbing the coffin of his father's grave).
Hillary's perpetual 2016 game face.