This is merely another signal blocking technique that works temporarily. It blocks the retrieval of the traumatic memory but it does not resolve it.
All the techniques, whether EMDR, Magnetic Cranial Stimulation, Stellate Ganglion Injection,Pharmacological, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, even Virtual Reality if not done properly will not heal the stored traumatic memory.
There is a much simpler method that I have used, even with severely disabled Vietnam Vets who carried their traumatic memory for 40+ years that is permanent, non-invasive, takes less than 5 minutes and works every time.(As long as the physical brain functions are not severely damaged from TBI or similar wounds)
Ever since I realized that people’s stored memories are physical tangible objects to me that are easily located even when deeply suppressed, I’ve been able to show people how to heal the emotional wound permanently in a few minutes. I discovered this a few years ago.
I’ve done it with rape victims, abused children who are now adults, accident victims, people who are unable to heal from grief, it doesn’t matter the type or severity of the trauma. There is no hypnosis or placebo effect utilized.
About 50% of the time when I work with a person, they can’t even remember what the traumatic event was. Karl Pribram was correct that memories are stored as holograms, but not in the brain neural synapses as he, Eric Kandel and Joe Ledoux theorized. If they knew where the memory was actually stored it is as easy to heal as wiping a patch of dirt off a piece of clothing, and a lot faster.
What if it is not just one memory, but thousands of them?
Please explain more,of the technique you developed.
It sounds fascinating. Seriously.
The only true healing is found in Jesus Christ, I think that’s what should be put forth first and foremost.
Interesting stuff there though, though not sure how you do that.
My educated guess is that trauma is stored throughout the Brain and Body!
that :gut brain” that we’ve “been hearing about” is likely the center of such “memory”