We are not talking about all white people, or you white people in general, she told them. We are talking about whiteness as a system of oppression.
Liberals love the masses but hate people. Conservatives love people but hate the masses.
This woman would be better suited as an ant in an ant colony. It really is the socialist way.
In other words, racism is whatever I say it is.
“She doesnt see people as individuals. She sees them as part of a group. Black, white, male, female, etc. It is the liberal way.”
Yep, and it’s a mental illness if you ask me. If I walked around focused on race all the time, so much so that it literally colored (no pun intended) everything I did and said, wouldn’t that qualify as an obsession?
I sure hope whites start waking up to the fact that the race based crap the left always spouts is not reciprocal. Whites, being the so-called oppressors, are not part of the grievance industry’s diversity and tolerance plans.
Color privilege ought to be individualized.
But how?
Should we have a DNA test for “Whiteness?”
Perhaps a colorimeter scan to determine the percentage of Affirmative Action entitlement?
Special exemption for albinos?
What would Dennis Moore do?
“This woman would be better suited as an ant in an ant colony. It really is the socialist way.”
Not at all; the ants would make her actually work...she’s a grasshopper.