So Vets pay for their own healthcare?
No Let me give you an example. I admit a patient that needs medical care. He is covered by the VA if they do not have a bed they pay for his care locally. That is how it is now. I had a Pt hoping the VA did NOT have a bed so he could get his cardiac CATH locally. Too bad for him they had a bed and he was shipped after a lot of hassle for him. the problem is like Tricare the VA reimbursement is terrible A lot of Private hospitals will not accept TriCare . Just like Medicare and Medicaid all pay poorly.
Let’s give all of them a choice between VA socialist provided medicine or a government paid gold plated private insurance plan of their choice.
VA is income means tested. Hubby is Ret SCPO, 73, TRICARE LIFE/MEDICARE. VA denies him health care because with 2 SS checks and his Navy Pension, keep in mind his service yrs were 60-80 when pay was low. HE makes TO MUCH for VA healthcare. In the process of applying for service disability we are at the 1 yr mark on that, flight deck hearing loss, and Retinitis from cleaning chems that left holes in his vision. Unfix able.