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Bystanders file suit after being detained by Aurora police looking for suspect
fox31 denver ^
| kdvr web staff
Posted on 05/19/2014 7:21:20 AM PDT by SpeakerToAnimals
Bystanders file suit after being detained by Aurora police looking for suspect
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Government; US: Colorado
KEYWORDS: abuseofpower; aurora; colorado; donutwatch; leosoutofcontrol
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To: SpeakerToAnimals
According to a bunch of old dead white guys, 7.62MM full metal jacket. .75 caliber round lead ball...
posted on
05/19/2014 8:05:44 AM PDT
null and void
(When was the last time you heard anyone say: "It's a free country"?)
To: HiTech RedNeck
This was apparently done in such a broad sweep, though, that the robber skated.Actually, they caught him. They had to drop charges because the evidence was obtained in an illegal search. Ironic, is it not?
posted on
05/19/2014 8:07:11 AM PDT
(I hope to earn a name in battle)
To: SpeakerToAnimals
[Police Chief] “Oates said the police department has received about five complaints regarding the methods used, but none of them came from any of the 40 people who were detained.”
Depends upon what the law enforcement agents told the “40 people who were detained.”
posted on
05/19/2014 8:10:52 AM PDT
(May God save our democratic-republican government, from a government by judiciary.)
To: null and void
I suspect the founders would not have an issue with an M1A replacing a flintlock.
posted on
05/19/2014 8:13:57 AM PDT
(I hope to earn a name in battle)
To: null and void
Oh you are up. Had coffee yet? Woot off today
posted on
05/19/2014 8:14:06 AM PDT
(The love that dare not speak its name is now the love that will not shut its *bleeping* mouth)
To: SpeakerToAnimals
Watching the video, it also looks like the LEOs were pointing their pistols right in the faces of the innocent motorists, including the kids.
I hope Aurora has to pay through the nose.
posted on
05/19/2014 8:14:20 AM PDT
Timber Rattler
(Just say NO! to RINOS and the GOP-E)
To: null and void
I realize now that I should have pinged you, but I assumed that the other person, the asker, wanted to.
posted on
05/19/2014 8:15:02 AM PDT
(The love that dare not speak its name is now the love that will not shut its *bleeping* mouth)
To: ChildOfThe60s
When the courts say that the law is whatever the police say it is at any given time, what recourse have the people?
"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
To: null and void
posted on
05/19/2014 8:19:11 AM PDT
To: SpeakerToAnimals
Totally agree! They specifically allowed citizens the very top of the line military weapon of the day.
After all, the second amendment is explicitly intended to allow the citizens to protect themselves from an over-reaching government.
And to therefore discourage any future government from becoming too intrusive.
posted on
05/19/2014 8:19:51 AM PDT
null and void
(When was the last time you heard anyone say: "It's a free country"?)
To: First_Salute
Arapaho County Sherriff Patrick Sullivan was running an operation. He was dealing meth and grabbing little boys from jail. Meth for sex was his gig.
He got 30 days in jail and probation. You see, discovery would have produced the list of Judges and lawmakers he got meth and little boys for.
That is how corrupt the county around Aurora is. That is the legal system this will be heard in.
posted on
05/19/2014 8:20:09 AM PDT
(I hope to earn a name in battle)
To: Shimmer1
Only one cup. I’m down to medium snark.
posted on
05/19/2014 8:21:08 AM PDT
null and void
(When was the last time you heard anyone say: "It's a free country"?)
To: Timber Rattler
Watching the video, it also looks like the LEOs were pointing their pistols right in the faces of the innocent motorists, including the kids.Police have no use for Colonel Jeff Cooper and his four laws of gun safety.
posted on
05/19/2014 8:23:07 AM PDT
(I hope to earn a name in battle)
To: Timber Rattler
Watching the video, it also looks like the LEOs were pointing their pistols right in the faces of the innocent motorists, including the kids. Apparently that's normal practice these days...
posted on
05/19/2014 8:23:32 AM PDT
null and void
(When was the last time you heard anyone say: "It's a free country"?)
To: null and void
Hot Tuna - 99 Year Blues
Well, now give me my pistol, man
And three round balls
I’m gonna shoot everybody
That I don’t like at all
Like at all, like at all
Like at all, like at all
posted on
05/19/2014 8:24:15 AM PDT
((If you can remember the weren't really there)
To: null and void
the officer in the back looks like he has be protecting donut shops really well.
posted on
05/19/2014 8:25:57 AM PDT
(VOTE! and
To: longtermmemmory
Note that the officer in front is either very happy to see the driver, or he really, really, really finds his job, um, exciting...
Sorry, once seen this cannot be unseen.
posted on
05/19/2014 8:44:06 AM PDT
null and void
(When was the last time you heard anyone say: "It's a free country"?)
To: null and void
The look on the face of the motorist is strange. Sticking the muzzle of a rifle in my face would show a different emotion.
posted on
05/19/2014 8:48:01 AM PDT
(I hope to earn a name in battle)
To: SpeakerToAnimals
What emotion would you say he’s showing?
posted on
05/19/2014 8:49:16 AM PDT
null and void
(When was the last time you heard anyone say: "It's a free country"?)
To: null and void
Yeah no dogs died and nobody was forced to have a blood withdrawl or swabbing for “DNA Testing”.
posted on
05/19/2014 8:53:29 AM PDT
(Bible Summary in a few verses: John 14:6, John 6:29, Romans 10:9-10)
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