Are you my lost twin brother? My wife goes nuts when she goes with me. I tell her she picks the model she wants. Then I start with something else, dick around for a while, find her car, drive it, get his offer, then she droves it. Haggle for a while. Leave. Go to some other dealers, haggle, leave. Now, I look for a similar but cheaper car. The salesman says “what would you say if I can put you in (the original) car if...”
Now, we’re getting closer. Now, we’re talking to the sale manager, then the No. 1 hotshot salesman, then the owner.
Takes 2 weeks to get 3-4 dealers competing. It only works if you can walk away.
Hey bro. Good to hear from you.
One time we were $100 apart on the price. I walked out. The 2 salesmen chasing me down the sidewalk, pleading for me to make another offer. I told them that if I found a $100 bill on the sidewalk before I got to my car, we would have a deal. They said “Come on, give us something to go back with. $50, something, anything.” I turned to them and said, “So now we’re down to $50. You know it and I know it. You are not going to blow this deal over $50.” And I headed for my car.
One of the salesmen said, “Wait.” He got on his cell phone and went “Blah, blah, blah.” and then said “We got a deal.”
As we were doing the paperwork, one of the salesmen under his breath said, “You did good.” Took it as a compliment.
You buy cars like my dad and husband. Never ever get attached to a particular car and let the dealer know it.