I honestly can’t understand why commentators hate this campaign. The fact that we’re talking about it means it was successful in what it set out to accomplish. Criticize the Mooch for her ridiculous, insincere photo-op, but there’s not reason to dismiss the campaign.
The campaign is ridiculous
Be careful. You can’t say anything positive about the campaign. They hate it and nothing you say will change their minds. They don’t care that it is being discussed at full speed and until this brilliant campaign was never mentioned. They don’t care. Some say we should stay out of it because the little girls are not American. These are who we are dealing with.
not reason to dismiss the campaign....What ‘Campaign’?
The campaign is symbolic of what’s wrong with the ObamaAdmin.
They ignore a problem for years(Islamic terrorism), criticise anyone who points it out, allowing it to grow, and now that it’s undeniably a problem that requires real, hard action, they come up with this fluff effort because they’re afraid of offending anybody.
The “Potemkin Village” Administration - it looks like there’s people there who could act, but alas, it’s all just a facade.
So typical for this bunch of bozos.
Commentators hate the campaign because it is only there as a means to present the facade of caring when in fact, they have done nothing.
In today’s world, the act of showing concern is good enough to buy votes.
It is the hypocrisy of it all that makes me sick.
The campaign is being ridiculed because: 1) it makes the U.S. look pathetically weak when we’re reduced to the wife of the most powerful office holder in the free world holding up a handwritten sign with a silly pooh-face thinking it’s somehow going to bring an evil terrorist network to its knees, and 2) it gives too many folks the wrong impression that simply re-tweeting a hashtag will solve anything. As usual with the idiotic leftists, it’s symbolism over substance (to paraphrase Rush Limbaugh’s popular quote).