Posted on 05/09/2014 2:39:28 PM PDT by Olog-hai
The Pledge of Allegiance does not discriminate against atheists and can be recited at the start of the day in public schools, Massachusetts highest court ruled Friday.
The Supreme Judicial Court said the words under God in the pledge reflect patriotic practice, not a religious one. They acknowledged that the wording has a religious tinge but said it is fundamentally patriotic and voluntary.
The court was ruling in a 2010 lawsuit filed by an atheist family from Acton who claimed that the daily recitation of the pledge in classrooms violated their three childrens equal protection rights under the state constitution, which protects against discrimination. The family was not identified in the lawsuit.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Wow....the Massholes got one right...
We live in a age of wonders.
Amazing how the families/supposed victims never want to be identified in cases like this.
Just like a stopped clock...
As a side note to this thread, patriots may want to consider the following which I regard as a problem with the Pledge. More specifically, not only was the Pledge written by a socialist, but using terms like "one Nation" and "indivisible," the Pledge is arugably pro-big federal government propaganda.
In fact, note that Thomas Jefferson had written that the states were to regard each other basically like individual nations while foreign nations were to regard the states as one nation.
"The true theory of our Constitution is surely the wisest and best, that the States are independent as to everything within themselves, and united as to everything respecting foreign nations." --Thomas Jefferson to Gideon Granger, 1800.
The bottom line regarding the Pledge is the following. It's bad enough that parents aren't making sure that their children are being taught the federal government's constitutionally limited powers. But on top of that parents want their children to recite the Pledge which arguably contradicts the idea of a constitutionally limited power federal government.
<><> affirmative action--no
<><> prayers opening council meetings---yes
<><> allowing Nebraska City's Illegal Aliens Housing Ban to Stand.
As yefragetuwrabrumuy helpfully posted......the real zinger in the housing decision is that it nails illegals for identity theft, if they use a fake ID, and claim they are citizens. And do so for gain, the crime cant just be brushed off.
This zinger most assuredly can impact:
<><> getting in-state college tuition, getting a raft of govt checks and EITC refunds using stolen SS nos and multiple id's, voter fraud using fake ids, etc, etc, etc.
oops, wrong thread
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