Why the rush? I’m sick and tired of these whinyass, “I want it now” politicians.
My electric co-op sends out little brochures with the bills- you know, those things hardly anybody reads. But I do.
I was amazed to see how virulent they are against the global warning and carbon stuff. They write very strongly about electric rates rising severely. I wish more people read the stuff.
“Under my plan, electricity costs will necessarily skyrocket.”
— Barry Hussein
Hurry up ... America’s not being destroyed fast enough!
This is the link on my electric company’s webpage.
People cannot say they are not being warned.
Dammit, we can’t wait - we need to destroy jobs NOW!
Must get these rules in place NOW ,so no future President can change them , Ya Right
The elite AGW leadership smell blood. A major point of the climate change scam is to politically dis-empower the energy industry by wrecking it.
It’s working.
“Duke Energy lost $97 million in the first quarter after reducing the value of a fleet of coal-fired power plants in the Midwest that it is trying to sell.”
If Zero can rule by executive order, those orders can be reversed by Executive order!
He flaunts executive orders like gays flaunt pink scarves.
Podesta being Podesta...he was brought back earlier this year....he’s got his hand in the sock puppet.
If these EPA rules on power plant emissions are fast tracked, the American people will see their electric bills skyrocket right before the November elections. Perhaps when voters are shivering in their darkened homes and businesses they will be painfully reminded which party pushed this BS.
Another Obama plan what could go wrong.
Well, I Guess Obama Hasn't Healed the Planet
Obama caught between a Big Labor rock, and a solar panel hard place
Obama Preparing Executive Orders To Push Green Energy
Global Warming on Free Republic