Was it smart for Merkel to send German military officers right into a hot separatist conflict, when her own words have made it clear that Germany is not neutral in it?
“Was it smart for Merkel to send German military officers right into a hot separatist conflict, when her own words have made it clear that Germany is not neutral in it?”
Yes, it was perfectly normal. These OSCE officials travel with diplomatic immunity and/or other authority to perform their duties in the conflict zones under the protection of international law. The fact that the captors have violated a variety of international laws designed to protect thse people in situations just like this highlights the criminal conduct of the captors and their total lack of civilized behavior. By all rights these captors have forfeited the protection of law and are subject to captial punishment for their illegal acts. In ancient times the Roman Senate and their Cletic enemies agreed a Roman officer who made war upon the Celts without the authorizatoin of the Roman Senate was subject to capital punishment by the Celts, and they handed their own officer over to the Celts for punishment. In the centuries since then, the people who breached the immunity of an enemy or neutral in a manner like we see today with the seizure of the OSCE observers was deemed by all governments to be outlaws, meaning outside the protection of any and all governments and subject to being enslaved or killed by any military or civilian person at any time without government approval. in other words, this was regarded as such a serious crime, the so-called brigand or pirate could be killed by anyone at anytime as an incentive to discourage brigandage and piracy. The seriousness of mistreating people under the protection of such international laws is neither taught nor respected in the Communist and former Communist societies. They have devovled into a jungle of thuggery and depravity.
Of course it was smart. The way to learn what is happening is to have eyes observing events.
The best way to put out a fire is to throw gasoline on it.
Well, if you are the European Union.