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To: Colonel_Flagg
Again, this isn’t about Love. It’s about your post 88.

OK, I said "Personally, I think it's sufficient that she's in favor of any sort of reduction in government support for abortion, which is a position that is very much more pro-life than her Dem challenger."

What I mean is that as long as the candidate:

(1) Is in favor of reducing abortion in some way (in Mia's case, ending federal funding for it), and

(2) Will not vote in favor of any pro-abortion legislation, nor vote against any pro-life legislation, nor make public statements against pro-lifers or supporting pro-aborts

Then that candidate has my support even if she refrains from making statements like "I vow to make abolishing abortion my #1 priority while in office".

110 posted on 04/28/2014 9:51:05 AM PDT by PapaBear3625 (You don't notice it's a police state until the police come for you.)
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To: PapaBear3625
(1) Is in favor of reducing abortion in some way (in Mia's case, ending federal funding for it), and
(2) Will not vote in favor of any pro-abortion legislation, nor vote against any pro-life legislation, nor make public statements against pro-lifers or supporting pro-aborts some way...


I guess this would be like docking a boxer puppy's tail.

Take it off, a joint at a time, over a long period, so he wouldn't be so traumatized at losing it all at once.

127 posted on 04/28/2014 2:19:24 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...)
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