Posted on 04/24/2014 3:13:43 PM PDT by equalator
An Italian man was crushed to death on Thursday by a giant crucifix dedicated to the late Pope John Paul II, just days before the Polish pontiff will be made a saint in a ceremony at the Vatican.
In a bizarre coincidence, the 21-year-old man was reported to have been living in a street named after Pope John XXIII who will also be canonised in the ceremony on Sunday, in an event that is unprecedented in the 2,000 year history of the Catholic Church.
The man, named as Marco Gusmini, was posing for a photograph with a group of friends in front of the 100ft-high cross when it suddenly
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Before and after.
THey both look like after.
Material fatigue. An engineer is at fault.
That thing didn’t look very stable “before.”
Maybe next, the artist can hang a piano from a rope like in the Road Runner cartoons.
Poorly written. What are they saying is the unprecedented event? A man being killed in this manner or canonization? Or something else? There have been other instances of people killed by crucifixes and other canonizations.
What a way to go, eh?
There should be legislation to ban crucifixes, if even just one life can be saved!
...oh wait, that’s actually happening. Never mind.
You know, I wonder if he was climbing on that thing before it came down.
Excellent thought, Ben. He was 21, wasn’t he?
That’s a really cheesy concept. I can just picture the artist thinking that a straight up cross is too boring, so he has to do a really weird cross.
I wonder if Jesus really like the idea of the crucifix. He was on it about three hours, we’ve had him on it 2000 years.
The more times I see this story today, the more I wonder if the victims were climbing on it for photos.
Some islamist probably loosened the cables and hid in the bushes to watch it fall over...
“In a bizarre coincidence...”
Not “the bad omen”???
A THIRD MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!
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