The only backing they will get from mac daddy is another red line to be followed by more red lines.
I wonder if this isnt grossly misguided trust. Perhaps the Ukrainian govt should talk w/ other world leaders before issuing such optimistic proclamations.
Kiev has been pathetically incompetent and cannot even rely on the army and security forces to reimpose its authority. There is no reason to expect they will make much more headway than they did last time. And the separatists are reinforced, well-armed and dug in.
As always, Russia is hovering in the background.
Would you rather be in Putin’s or Obama’s shoes on this one? This is what happens when you let community organizers play with is a no-match contest. Obama has “led” us to a losing position.
It will boil down to lawyerly language.
Obama already set the precedent when he uttered the phrase “unstated forces” . He can not sanction the unstated and Putin will use only the unstated to creep into the east of Ukraine.
And then there is the fact......Obama always lies and can not be trusted. He has no honor
Tanks and such are not required to creep into the territory
I don't think a bag of grits is going to help the situation.
Did the legitimate Ukrainian government have Uncle Scam's backing to take on the firebomb throwing, cop burning Neo-Nazi insurrectionists in Kiev a few weeks ago?
Obviously sending troops to Poland and coverts to god knows where was part of the deal.