To: Sons of Union Vets
Fighting Feds in court when they have unlimited funds (supplied by citizens taxes) is more than an uphill battle.
Besides in the Age of Oblammo they are ignoring the law, unless one of those Wascally Wepublicans and their ilk are breaking it.
2 posted on
04/21/2014 10:12:12 AM PDT by
(DemoKKKrats: Leaders of the Free Sh!t World)
To: Sons of Union Vets
I think the govt may be hoping that We the People can be goaded into using our Tree of Liberty “watering rights” so that they can retailate in an illegal fashion.
To: Sons of Union Vets
This Bundy fight has huge implications boys and girls. Depending upon which way the mud slides could be a seminal change in government power.
4 posted on
04/21/2014 10:30:23 AM PDT by
Don Corleone
("Oil the the cannoli. Take it to the Mattress.")
To: Sons of Union Vets
I like this guys approach. For a group that will defend ranchers and eventually the agencies will stop. They only have to have a certain number of precedents and then it’s a question of, as the libs love calling it, “settled law”
To: Sons of Union Vets
IMHO, the best part of the article is near the end:
Property rights defenders can stop them. We can go on the attack in the courts with organized funding to adjudicate protection for every last vested right in the American West. We have the laws to do it. We now need organization, money, brains, and the will to make it happen. Every vested right that we protect will destroy that much federal power to abuse.
Unfortunately, I see no "one size fits all" victory. This is a game of many small victories contributing to a big victory. Not gonna be easy and not gonna happen overnight. But it CAN happen.
7 posted on
04/21/2014 11:20:55 AM PDT by
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