I like this guys approach. For a group that will defend ranchers and eventually the agencies will stop. They only have to have a certain number of precedents and then it’s a question of, as the libs love calling it, “settled law”
We all know or should know that settled law to the left only means court decisions have agreed with their desires. Any time a ruling goes aqainst their aims it is to them anything BUT settled law and they will never accept it as settled as long as they are able to fight it. We are in this mess because so many on the side of freedom have only asked to be allowed to “live and let live” in the past. The left lives for power, nothing else matters to them, they will not “live and let live” so long as they are capable of doing otherwise. They have no joy of life, they only have the smug satisfaction of forcing others to do as they would have them do.
As long as I have food, clothing and shelter and am able to watch a bluebird fly over my blueberrry bushes it would never occur to me to try to take someone else’s freedom to do so away from them without reason. The left doesn’t know what a bluebird or a blueberry bush is and they only live to tell me that I am a fool and should not be planting blueberry bushes or building bluebird houses without a government permit to do so. In short what we call “liberalism” IS A VERY REAL MENTAL DISORDER, NEVER DOUBT IT!