Nice pix,of Sara and Billy Grahams son. Looks a like the old man. Instead of backing Putin on his “rightious positions” including pornography. If Graham really wanted to say somethimg he could comment about the resolution removing any reference to God in their platform which was passed then because it was too political rammmed the change through and was jeered at the democrat nation convention. Then when it occured or even now. I have yet to hear any comment from leading churchmen of any Christian demomination and that especially includes Catholic even dare reference it. Let alone GOPES that are currently running it.
The Wisconsin GOP are getting blasted because there’s a reference to secession in their platform. Think any of the “brains” would counter with that ? NAC!
So you want him to make a statement about the DNC convention, Puny Human guy wants him to talk about queers in Russia’s army.
Looks like he has a large list of items to speak about before he can commend positions against promoting faggitism to children.