” as long as they are willing to rehab the property and move in..... “
Which is the reason they have no buyers to start with. No one wants to live there.
Yep, how many of you want to go live in Detroit, even if you can get a house for some bargain price?????
Driving on I75 a person can see a lot of potential fixer uppers in neighborhoods I wouldn’t live in unless I was was sharing the area with no less than 20 similar minded, well armed families. Shame. Some of the houses and buildings must have looked really nice about 40-50 years ago.
Clear out the vagrants, druggies, etc. Strip the abandoned houses of anything useful (I know copper wiring and pipes will likely have been stripped out, and tear them down. Fill the plots with grass or gravel. Less to fall to arson on Devil’s Night, and less places for scum to inhabit.
If I had money, I might, perhaps might, invest in property in Detroit, based on the idea that it has hit rock bottom, and there’s nowhere to go but up. But no way do I want to go live there.
Sorry but you're wrong....East English Village was a sterling neighborhood until the original owners sold and moved out to the suburbs when property values in the village were high. The subsequent buyers ultimately got cought up in the housing bubble crash and eventually defaulted on their mortgages and taxes.
Duggan has the right idea, these houses will sell for dirt cheap and with work, will be restored to their original glory..........Anybody with foresight and cash should jump on these offers.........
As a side note, east side properties surrounding the downtown area are being snatched up by investors like fat people with discounts on twinkies........
These are people who aren't used to throwing their money away. Detroit is going to make a comeback regardless of what you and the rest of you out of staters who know absolutely nothing about Detroit have to say.........
Exactly. Who wants to live in a high crime area? The city should have used the money they spent on this spot to rehab the crime problem.