Posted on 04/12/2014 10:25:02 PM PDT by kingattax
Bush 1 led to Clinton. Bush 2 lead to Obama. I’d hate to see what Bush 3 would lead to. President Granholm?
Bush did major damage to the conservative movement. If you don't like socialist, how about evil bastard, or fascist?
On the plus side Harriet Miers was probably a better pick then John Roberts.
You forgot about the appointment of John Roberts.
W’s name will live in infamy.
And Jeb is even worse.
I seen to recall that he pulled out a victory in Iraq after he dismissed "Rummy". Then Afghanistan was lost after GWB went back to TX. But he did say at the start that neither Iraq nor Afghanistan would be "another Vietnam." So many in TX still like him despite such "shortcomings".
I’ve often thought that both Bushes would have rallied to Terri’s defense if her family had been gop-e and big donors. I guess then the Bushes would be “respecter of persons” But they are still liked in TX, which gave George P. some 74 percent in the 2014 primary for land commissioner.
If a GOPe person is the nominee in 2016, I will still go to the poll, but I will leave the box for the Nominee’s Electors BLANK. I will no longer support the GOPe.
However, I will vote for others on the ballot.
Note that I am retaining my voter registration as Republican, so that I can vote against any GOPe stooges in the Primary.
Terri Schiavo begs to differ.
Jeb Bush IS A MURDERER ~~~~~~~~~~ Ask TERRI SCHIAVO.
Not sure about socialist, but one thing is for sure, he was a big gubbamint globalist. NOT a conservative by any stretch.
Bush derangement syndrome here on the premiere conservative website. Now let’s hear your choice of a candidate for 2016 who will be able to raise the money needed while still satisfying your pure convictions.......
Bush did major damage to the conservative movement.
Absolutely true!
Socialist, no. Globalist, yes.
Take the blue pill...
Going there in the first place was a big mistake. We paid fortunes in treasure and blood, and the area is far less stable than when Saddam was in charge.
Every chickenhawk politician, especially Presidents from Texas, should be shown pictures of Dresden, Hamburg and Tokyo after the AAF bombed them. Then tell the chickenhawk that the only way to win is to do this to cities full of people.
Fight like WWII, win like WWII.
Fight like LBJ or GWB and lose lives, treasure, credibility and our nation.
But no answer........
You are correct. There is probably more I left out.
Iraq is now a failed state. There is no flourishing democracy there.
The country is destroyed and they are aligning themselves with Iran against the US.
That doesn't sound like “victory” to me.
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