I heard him say Poli-Sci would be his Major. He also commented that he’s hoping to use a Technical College to finish his degree. *Beotch Slap to the snotty UW System*
I don’t have my Business Degree finished up; LIFE got in the way. However, I’ve run multi-million dollar businesses for others who trusted me enough to do so without the Sheepskin. Funny what showing up, actually DOING THE WORK and making money for someone else can do for ya! :)
Sometimes I think I should finish my degree, but it really wouldn’t garner me more money at this point in the game; I’m at the top of my pay scale for what I do anyway, and ‘prestige’ means nothing to me. :)
P.S. AND I’d have to take Accounting 101, which I absolutely LOATHE. God Bless our company Bean Counters!
I had to take Advanced Algebra and Statistics which I’d been ducking for 40 years. Ouch! I was glad I did it, however.
I studied and wrote circles around the 18-25 years olds at Cardinal Stritch University. That provided some pride points after some of the younger students wondered why I was there! (I’d promised my late father that I would finish when I got married.)
I wound up with the highest grade point in my major and my graduating class, but I didn’t get a Magna or Summa honor because I didn’t have that many credits to finish at CSU. You have to take a certain number of credits at the institution to qualify for those honors. Can you believe that CSU refused to give me credit for some of the classes I took at UC Berkeley back in the dark ages!
Scott Walker would blow the other students away in any contemporary college class, I assure you.