Gotta disagree with the article
1. scrap the income tax is the best answer
2. beyond that, tax ONLY profit. ALL utilities and property expenses aren’t even counted as income. They are expenses.
Why not replace the income tax with the FairTax and abolish the IRS?
I agree!
Throw the ENTIRE Marxist income tax code onto the ash heap of history and replace it with what the founders universally endorsed! Taxes on articles of consumption! The bills to do that (HR25/S122) are already before congress and only need your support to become the law of the land!
2. Will never happen
There are so many ways to calculate "profit," never mind the myriad ways to calculate inventory.
A consumption tax is the most transparent and simple you could hope for, but what would happen is we would keep all the other taxes and just add a consumption tax on top of them all.
The only way to change anything is to nuke Washington when Ubama is giving a speech to both chambers of congress.