Frankly, I don’t see why she’d even want to go there. Some of these “Bible-believing” schools rival Muslims for their weirdness about female dress. I see a lot of them here in the South, the little girls trailing around in their long denim skirts, their navy-blue long-sleeved tops and their long, lank hair...but that’s their choice and the choice of their parents. And I’m sure the school, as misguided and silly as I think it may be, put this in their requirements.
If the grandparents (who seem to be paying for this) don’t want to abide by the dress code, I’m sure they could find another school for her.
I don’t think the school should make an issue of this that embarrasses the little girl...who seems perfectly normal and is not exactly a cross-dressing freak...but the grandparents should back off and just find another and no doubt better school. They’re only making it worse this way.
A lot of kids who go to these very repressive “Christian” schools end up doing heavy rebellion (I’ve known some), so maybe they should actually be grateful that she’s getting out now.
The school didn’t make an issue of it, nor did the school turn it into a public jihad
Oh, good grief! You don't even know what you're talking about. TCA is nothing like that. The only kids I've ever seen dressed that way were Mennonites.
BTW, as for your "Bible-believing" snark, I was under the impression conservative Catholics believed it, too. My Catholic friend and longtime Freeper in NJ, whose kids are in Catholic school, would agree with me.