Too bad old Steny’s party doesn’t control the House or he might get his way.....but because they don’t, he’ll have a tough go at this one.
What this really says is that Democrats will fight tooth and nail in perpetuity to keep the government payments to individuals at 70% or more of its yearly budget.
With the debt service requirements, the budget we NEED for defense against MUSLIMS, and the other basic necessities of government (few), this basically leaves sh!t-all for anything. IOW, we don’t have enough revenue and this is all being garnered in crushing debt. The day we will face when push comes to shove is coming - actually it’s here, but Democrats are to concerned with votes.
And the Propaganda Wing of the White House* will slavishly report at how mean Republicans are.
* (Propaganda Wing of the White House: Formerly and incorrectly known as the American 'news' media)
Yes, the dem policies are taking this country down a drain.
Isn’t this the guy who likes to walk around carrying women’s hand bags and holding hands with black guys?
I trust Steny as far as I can throw Chris Christie.
Not heresy, treason.
The problems with Obamacare demonstrate the Left’s dilemma: the changes which the Right are calling for may very well be the right & necessary thing to do, regardless of how difficult adherence to partisanship makes the choice. We had a big argument over Obamacare to the point of filibuster, which the Left won ... and then, faced with the reality of serious problems, the Left had to implement what the (R)s were demanding (or some approximation thereof).
Entitlements MUST be cut. It’s a politically scandalous issue which the Left fiercely opposes the Right over on the principle of never conceding your opponent’s point. Nonetheless, if cuts don’t happen the Left (and everyone else) will suffer grave harm. They’re looking for a way to spin the issue so they can come out looking like heroes over that which they so viciously opposed.
I’ve been pondering an “American Citizen Liberty” amendment to the US constitution.
What it would do is offer all citizens the right to “opt out” of any direct involvement with the federal government, without penalty.
If they chose to opt out of Social Security and Medicare or Obamacare, they could not be taxed to support them. And after consideration, I think even the military draft should be part of the opt out as well.
They could not be compelled into federal involvement through their employment or investments, or travel across state lines. Nor could they be denied a passport, nor forbidden goods or services provided to the public by a federal contract, or the US post office.
Any compelling federal interface, like an exact enumeration in a census, would have to be done through their state.
Granted, this idea needs work, but it is a good rough draft.
Maryland “Freak State” PING!
but, they'll drop all pretense once the legislation gets going....they'll run to the SCM about how pubs are trying to steal SS and medicare and how can anyone make cuts to the "poor" in this economy?...
pubs...don't fall for it....let them make a bill....let them present it....
Steny if facing a fiscally responsible republican candidate this year.... POTTER FOR CONGRESS!