“It has NEVER been proven, because it cannot be proven, that universal compulsory academic education to age 18 can work.”
Not sure how this is relevant and what you mean by “can work”. It seems to work pretty well most places.
“What form the failure takes varies by gender, and by the formulae used for order and for discipline. However, a very substantial fraction of the males held against their will in these urban “school” systems cannot be disciplined even in State Prison, so I am skeptical that better teachers or less powerful teacher unions can do the trick. Face the truth. The experiment is a failure.”
Not necessarily. Google Frank Mickens and Joe Clark for examples of how discipline, order and high expectations can turn school around even in bad neighborhoods.
Of course the entrenched school bureacracy and race hustlers fight them at every turn (cant have someone succeed where they failed). The concept is sound and it can work if people are brave enough to try it.
Joe Clark, whom I once met while he was on the lecture circuit, was promptly fired by the NJ liberal establishment. His success was liberals’ failure.
No, compulsory education can’t work, but we just declare it a success and “move on”.