The world is looking for the plane in the Indian Ocean, and will be for the next few days so.
Meanwhile, world leaders will be meeting in The Hague.
The plane if in Pakistan could be readied for a terrorist attack on such a target of opportunity.
If the passengers are still alive, they could be used as pawns, to delay stopping, or intercepting, such a flight.
This plane must be located quickly.
The general has also said that Boeing sources know the plane is in Pakistan. They would only know that if the plane comms were turned on for landing assistance, and the planes sent out the wheels down message.
Also he has said there are communications that occurred between the plane and the ground, and that we have them.
The general has been very steady in his assertions and the only one to do so. The Israelis are taking no chances. And it is clear, with the steady drip of misinformation, there is more that is known by multiple governments that we are not being told.
For those who have not watched the clips these are from Wed and Thursday. I have said on several threads that I believe the General is speaking for all of the good people at DOD and CIA that are frustrated with the political appointees who won’t make the hard decisions. There is a chance he is being used but I trust he has verified this information, this is not his first rodeo. Time will tell.