If there is a beast on this thread it's you,,,, the "pessimist beast". You've already proved to us involved in this thread that your the one that doesn't get it. And by the way,,,, you DO NOT speak for me in regards to "our children". Our, meaning my wife's and mine. Our daughters who are both home schooled, are quite capable of handling anything or anybody that gets in their way. They've got goals and they will occur right here in a free America.
Also, anytime a country goes through a revolution, or civil war, the result is that it becomes a new country - for better or worse. The name may or may not change, but it will be different, usually radically different.
You've thrown in the towel and in the same verse you anticipate a civil war. What country are you writing about first off? I suggest you remain on the subject of this thread which regards America and our own unique problems. We took care of business once before and we will again. You see,,,, most of us have faith in America and in the up-coming ballot box so hopefully the cartridge box won't be necessary. I believe the "Tea Party" has made great strides in orchestrating the results of the mid-terms which will merely change personal rather America. It was and always will be America and Obama is about to see change the he WON'T believe.
America was an entity created on paper - the constitution. That entity is no longer valid.
Your off the wall again. America was made by "we the people" who then devised the Constitution to replace displacements such as Obama who said that "You didn't make that". Having said that I must inquire under what set of laws do YOU live by?
I just want to make sure we understand it as fully as we can.
We the people understand,,,, what's your problem? May we be of assistance in any way, we sure hate to see folks in the dark.
Anyway the rest of your response was as about as clear as the Mississippi river after a severe rainstorm and I won't waste anymore time on it. Besides, my daughters just reloaded what looks like a couple thousand rounds of 45's and they are demanding that I take them to the local gin mill and buy them a couple of beers and a couple games of pool.
In conclusion may I suggest that, since you've already thrown in your towel, that you keep out of OUR (meaning the rest of us one this thread) way and concentrate on getting really real. Nuff said.
Hello progunner,
You said, “May we be of assistance in any way, we sure hate to see folks in the dark.” This is great. I would really like to take you up on the offer.
Here is where I am...
While I do believe that the fed is unreformable, I do have hope that in the states we may succeed. For this reason, I dont and wont give in.
I see almost everyone referring to the fed and no one never referring back to the states. So I am wondering what will be the role in our states? Our states have some responsibility and authority in relation to us and the feds and I think we should not overlook this. I think we should explore how to make use of them. Each state is currently taking a different attitude towards all of this and some are FOR us, whereas the fed is NOT FOR us.
Anyway, I am trying to explore this and work it out as it relates to using the states. No one has yet wanted to comment on this topic. Oh well, maybe it is a rabbit hole, and I should drop it. What do you think?
Do you have any assistance in this?