Hello progunner,
You said, “May we be of assistance in any way, we sure hate to see folks in the dark.” This is great. I would really like to take you up on the offer.
Here is where I am...
While I do believe that the fed is unreformable, I do have hope that in the states we may succeed. For this reason, I dont and wont give in.
I see almost everyone referring to the fed and no one never referring back to the states. So I am wondering what will be the role in our states? Our states have some responsibility and authority in relation to us and the feds and I think we should not overlook this. I think we should explore how to make use of them. Each state is currently taking a different attitude towards all of this and some are FOR us, whereas the fed is NOT FOR us.
Anyway, I am trying to explore this and work it out as it relates to using the states. No one has yet wanted to comment on this topic. Oh well, maybe it is a rabbit hole, and I should drop it. What do you think?
Do you have any assistance in this?
P.S. You do vote don't you????