To: Windflier; NFHale; DuncanWaring; Marcella; AllAmericanGirl44; bobby.223; Old Sarge; raybbr; ...
You bet, brother dawg. It dawned on me over the weekend that the surrender monkeys are the spiritual and intellectual equivalent of war refugees. They clog the roads, running away from the fighting, and at the same time impede the flow of troops and materiel headed toward the fighting. They do nothing but get in the way. I'm sick of it, and won't put up with it anymore.
Anyone who thinks the government is going to "take their guns away", needs to go ahead and sell or give them to someone who isn't afraid to be an American.
Dawg soldiers up!
Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho!
112 posted on
03/17/2014 8:14:01 PM PDT by
wku man
(We are the 53%!
To: wku man; Marcella; Windflier; Old Sarge; OldPossum; NFHale; AllAmericanGirl44; raybbr; ...
You made a appropriate comparison I believe. We have our work cut out for us. These surrender monkeys are rearing their ugly heads more each day showing their cowardice and their attempts to condition others to their cowardly thoughts and ways just keeps getting worse, we have to stay our/the course.
113 posted on
03/17/2014 8:30:14 PM PDT by
(Retired up in the snowy mountains of the American Redoubt and it's a great life!)
To: wku man; Windflier; DuncanWaring; Marcella; AllAmericanGirl44; bobby.223; Old Sarge; raybbr; ...
“...Anyone who thinks the government is going to “take their guns away”, needs to go ahead and sell ...”
Amen wku...
They can only “take” what people willingly “give” - or “give up” as it were.
People either comply - or they don’t. It’s a choice. There are consequences either way, but it is still a choice.
126 posted on
03/18/2014 5:49:49 AM PDT by
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