Proof of terrorism.
Now what?
Probably terrorists took control and were planning to crash it into a target, probably in India or maybe Diego Garcia.
Either passengers did a Let's Roll or the terrorists couldn't manage to fly low without crashing.
Governments will blame it on a spontaneous explosion in a previously-unknown fuel tank located in the aft toilet.
We are sending one ship into the Indian Ocean.
Since the area to be searched there is huge, my gut tells me that our submarines have picked up the pinging of the black boxes and are directing where the USS Kidd should head to, in order to search for surface debris.
With our global spy satellite system, there is no way we do not know where this plane went, where it is, and even what was said in radio transmissions.
The way this investigation is unfolding suggests that many governments are playing a waiting game, and not revealing what they know until they absolutely have to.
If we are now saying the Indian Ocean is the target area, it is because we are calling everyone else’s bluff on the intelligence they have offered to date—Malaysians, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc.
There has not been one piece of reliable information about this plane in over six days—except that it did not reach its destination.
The data reporting system, they believe, was shut down at 1:07 a.m. The transponder
— which transmits location and altitude — shut down at 1:21 a.m.
I’m not an aviation expert but the above to me could mean that some event other than manual
shut down by a pilot could the cause of the differing times.
The following gives an indication that the plane was aloft way beyond the shut down of the
data reporting systems. Thus it could be some type of hijacking. But where is the plane now?
.....but senior administration officials told ABC News the missing Malaysian flight
continued to “ping” a satellite on an hourly basis after it lost contact with radar.....
Thanks for posting the article.
aye, aye, aye...
Big Ole Jet Airliner.
The copilot (or pilot) flew the plane to the southwest coast of Sumatra and attempted a preplaned belly landing on a beach of Sumatra or one of the offshore islands. There is little communication or radar capability there.
In about 3 hours some other official is going to refute this story... I bet.
Imagine the emotional wreck the families of these missing passengers must be.
Here’s a great map that would show all the (known) airfields the plane could have been flown to if it was a deliberate act of commandeering, and flying to avoid detection.
Sooner or later some poor government or small group of government was going to have to make the call to shoot down an airliner. Nobody wants to be the first. It’s bad news for every government and the world economy. Did you really think this wouldn’t happen sooner or later...really?
So...10 countries searching for a plane nobody wants to find. Why? It was high jacked and then shot down probably with the consensus of multiple governments.
Now.. The longer the misdirection going on the longer the evidence soaks and key components are covertly recovered. Make no mistake, this serves the greater good and this is how communist governments think...including our own.
My guess is it was diverted and then shot down.
Some unnamed US official is saying they think it is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Implication per reporting that they strongly believe this.
The “aviation geek” has his own 777 safely hidden somewhere. I just hope he didn’t harm the passengers.
“The data reporting system, they believe, was shut down at 1:07 a.m. The transponder — which transmits location and altitude — shut down at 1:21 a.m.”
Being in the middle of the night pretty well takes away the “visual” aspect unless there was an explosion. I also believe the moon would have been in a lower phase and less moonlight. Sooooo, that would be easier for the plane to land in an undisclosed location without someone seeing it.
Transponders return a signal from a radar ping. Even without the transponder returning a signal the radar signal is still returned. The airplane would still be tracked, but the altitude information the transponder returns simply wouldn’t be available,