Got that at work, I do marketing...and whenever we choose a photo for one of our brochures, they don’t want white men in them.
Who are they?
Only if the person in the brochure/commercial is a fumbling idiot.... use the white man for that.
“...they don’t want white men in them.”
I’ve noticed.
Seems to be a higher percentage of people of color in advertisements/commercials now days. Also noticed, many are the light-skinned, “clean” variety.
More power to the is work...a paycheck is a paycheck.
But, I hope the producers don’t think they’re fooling anybody, or will convince me to buy their products.
My grandaughter has been applying to,and been accepted to colleges for next fall.
I have looked at all the websites and you would think that 50% of all their students were black. They are always featured on the home page.
When I look at corporate websites and the "careers" tab, most of the time the "diversity" claim is made upfront with maybe one white guy standing in the background (sometimes there is no white man pictured, just different races and a white woman with glasses up front). Typically there are between 4-7 people in the images.