You could be more wrong, but you’d really have to work at it.
I’m a “we deport you, if we find you here illegally again we execute you” kind of guy.
Then why do you support someone for President who has stated time and time again that he wants to welcome these illegal aliens and give them all a legal status?
I favor a return to the rule of law. We just start enforcement of the laws that have not been enforced. We don't need to legalize the criminals that are here now. When they are found, they should be deported. If an employer hires one, he should be fined. If an employer hires a lot of them, he should be jailed.
Simple stuff like that. You don't have to round them up. Eventually they will all either come to you by violating some other law, or they will self deport when they find out that they can't get a job.
Rand Paul is trying to appease the Hispanics by cow towing to the illegal aliens. If you can't see that, then you are blind.