Save your breath. Common sense won’t work. Too many paid shills on here supporting an agenda.
Both establishment parties fear Paul and people who support a tea party/smaller government/libertarian leaning agenda. Big business too. They wanna keep the status quo and the direction this country is headed. They are afraid of the will of the people and changes that the people support.
They will spread disinformation, attack & ridicule supporters, lay claim to what they say is best for the country, cherry pick unrelated extreme ideas and apply them to a cause or candidate and generally do everything they can to undermine a popular movement.
Both political parties, lobbyist organizations, think tanks, big business entities and even the NSA hire operatives to subvert political discourse on forums such as FR. It is pretty blatant and disgusting sometimes. You can tell when another PO was cut. These groups have alot to lose. Should someone like Paul reign in military adventurism, repeal the Bush Doctrine, or scale back the American military’s role from that of Team America World Police to that of any other cooperating NATO member, it would have profound effects on their profits.
Over time, the money at risk is in the Trillion dollar range. Of course they send shills here to tell you what to think!
Here is info on the GCHQ and NSA’s social media subversion program:
You think Jim Robinson is a paid “shill” on freerepublic because he is against Paul and a conservative?