Since the Crimea is almost entirely Russophone and in fact was under Russia for most of the last 200 years, I don’t think there will be any fighting. Not there at least.
The rest of Ukraine is a different matter. I’d suspect there’s going to be a partition in its future.
They should have done that back in 93.
70% of the population speak Russian and nearly 60% are ethnic Russian so Moscow’s peaceful takeover of the peninsula was pretty much a foregone conclusion. I don’t see Russian troops being welcomed with flowers and salted bread in Kiev, however.
It was given to the Ukraine by Russia about 60 years ago but at the time Ukraine was part of USSR so it didn’t matter.
Crimea was most turk and German until the Soviets starved and deported the true locals.
Soviets relocated thousands of Russians into eastern Ukraine and Crimea after murdering the locals.They are not true locals.They are considered invaders .
4o% of the population is either Ukrainian or Tatar. It would have been more like 90% if Stalin hadn’t ethnically cleansed the Tartars. Those Russians have only been there since the 1940’s. And Russia signed a treaty with Ukraine guaranteeing its borders. ukraine lived up to its end of the bargain by giving up its nuclear arsenal, and giving Russia the use of Sevastopol. The only real argument here is “ might makes right”. Seems lots of Putin a## kissers are okay with that.