Sorry, try again. I rarely post on here any more and you know full well that it has been a long while since I’ve commented on your obsession with Mark Kirk.
Don’t try to turn this around on me.
However, the MOMENT I do say something about Kirk, you IMMEDIATELY show up here, AGAIN, "questioning" whether I have a personal vendetta against him.
Yet I've NEVER seen you "question" the people who CONSTANTLY foam at the mouth about Lindsey Graham being a homosexual and vow to vote for a Democrat over him, asking them: "Did Lindsey Graham beat you up as a kid or something? Did he steal your lunch money? Kill your dog? You're seriously OBSESSED with him and you ALWAYS post personal attacks about him that go WAY BEYOND mere ideological differences".
And most of the freepers who can't stand Graham and make "he's a homosexual who is John McCain's boytoy" posts constantly don't even LIVE in his state. There's also about 50 times as many "I hate Graham" posts than "I hate Kirk" posts on FR, even though Kirk is far worse.
The only anti-RINO posts you criticize are mine, drawn to them like a mouth to a flame. Your double standard when it comes to attacking my posts on a RINO's record who represents ME would be funny if it wasn't so creepy.
Seriously, what IS your problem?