“...There’s just that much negativity and defeatism being dribbled on these pages every day...”
And some of it is intentional. We have trolls out here all the time playing games.
We all have a part to play, however large, however small.
So we do it.
Like fellow Manger Dawg (Woof!) Marcella said sometime ago - even it’s only wrapping bandages, you do it, you know?
I love everything about this country... my neighborhood, when I was a kid, American flags on almost every house on July 4th... men standing and removing their hats when the National Anthem came on, women with hand over heart, singing as well, the people, the ideals, the sense of “US”... and I deeply miss it, and deeply resent those who belittle and denigrate it and who try to convince others to do so.
That is where the weakness comes from. The intentionally fostered loss of respect for yourself, for culture, for heritage and heroes, and all that it took to get us here.
So if by a few words printed here, you can help someone remember what it means to be “American”... well, that’s worth doing. If that stops the mental “bugout”, then that’s worth doing.
I love my country, and all she stands for. I forget who said it, but when folks are in trouble overseas, the FIRST flag they want to see coming over the hill is Old Glory...
I’ll feel that way ‘till the end of me.
Will you crawl away and die in some third world hole? Will die on your knees? Or will you stand and sing with me?