Like we said with Mayor Bloomberg...
Go ahead and take that abortion pill kid, just don’t wash it down with a large soda or or smoke a cig after sex.
Old enough to risk getting your face shot off in Afghanistan, but not old enough to drink, and now, not old enough to smoke in Utah and Colorado?
Welcome to the USSA!
Nanny State PING!
Old Enough to Buy a Shotgun, not a Handgun.
Old Enough to Smoke, not old enough to Drink.
I am 25 Now and the Government STILL considers me a child.
The Nanny Statists can go get Bent.
Shoot, whats the Legal Age to Get Married Anymore?
I guess the Colorado 20 year olds will just have to smoke pot instead.
All a part of turning adults into mindless, dependent children.
Stay on your parent’s health insurance until 26.
College until you are 30.
No drinking until 21.
No smoking until 21.
Next, the ptb will change age at which one is legally responsible to 21.
Lady your judgement probably wasn’t much better at 21 than 19.
This is insanity. This whole move to make people perfect is does not acknowledge human nature. People need to be informed, allowed to make mistakes, suffer the consequences, and learn from their experiences.
Let me get this straight. The government says you have the right to murder a child growing inside of you but you can’t smoke a cigarette? Damn. I’m going to have start doing recreational drugs if I’m ever going to be able to figure out how this commie “Prog” sh*t works.
Colorado is close to having the dubious distinction of being the “Amsterdam of the West”. And I’m supposed to believe they care about their children’s health?
If you are trusted to fight and Die for America as well as vote, you should be able to drink and smoke.
Legalizing pot and banning tobacco.
Who says the drug war ended?
No smoke, no vote! If you’ve got to be 21 to smoke (i.e., not of sufficient age to make a reasonable decision), then it stands to reason you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Of course they would lose a lot of tax revenue.
Recess time after lunch was more crimes against the state involving a majority of the class. The teacher would go to his office and most of the class would go over a small hill and down to the creek bank where the daily accumulation of contraband from parents cigarette packs were lit up and inhaled.
I was raised by non smoking parents so I didn't start smoking till high school where it was openly permitted. I was born in 1957 so age 18 was the age of majority in my state for all things. I'd smoke maybe a cigarette or two a day and after leaving high school I stopped. Then I enlisted and I smoked in Boot Camp at smoke breaks just because smoke and cokes were allowed. On the ship I used Skoal because smoking spaces were limited.
After I got out of the Navy and married my first wife smoked and so did I as did my second wife for about a year. I quit with maybe a total of five years being a regular smoker. I didn't have any problems quiting. Sis on the other hand would smoke five packs if they were handed to her.
Home of the perpetually stoned dopers?
“Sorry son, You’re too young to buy a pack of Luckies. How about a nice bag of dope?”
Instead of no tobacco until 21, I’d rather the age to vote went back to 21. Obama got in with the help of the 18 to 21 voters who wanted a cool Black dude.
What would be nice is if the voting age went back to 21 except for people in the military.